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General Information

Event times

ruhrSUMMIT takes place on May 28, 2024.

Detailed information on admission time etc. will be published shortly.

Where does the event take place digitally?

The event will be happening live. Thus, there will be no recording at ruhrSUMMIT - come by and see for yourself!

How do I get there?

You don't have to own a car to get to ruhrSUMMIT! The event hall is perfectly connected to the public transport network. Within only 3 minutes you can reach the Jahrhunderthalle Bochum from Bochum's main train station. The tram lines 302 (direction Buer Rathaus) and 310 (direction Höntrop Kirche) will take you directly to the stop Bochumer Verein/Jahrhunderthalle, which is only a short walk of 200 meters from your destination. This way you can get to ruhrSUMMIT quickly and comfortably!


Jahrhunderthalle Bochum

An der Jahrhunderthalle 1
44793 Bochum

Is the location Jahrhunderthalle accessible to disabled people?

For information on the Jahrhunderthalle please kindly check out:

Are dogs allowed in the Jahrhunderthalle?

For information on the Jahrhunderthalle please kindly check out:

Agenda & registration for formats

A registration to individual formats is not necessary.

What are this year's focus topics at ruhrSUMMIT?

A wealth of trend topics awaits you at ruhrSUMMIT. Our focus is especially on such topics which are key to a liveable, sustainable digital economy.

Will pictures be taken on event?

By registering, the organiser Ruhr:HUB GmbH is granted permission to make photo, film and sound recordings during the event and to use these recordings for analogue and digital public relations purposes. You can expressly object to this consent by sending an email to BEFORE the event.

How can I get information about the (next) ruhrSUMMIT?

Subscribe to our ruhrSUMMIT newsletter here! We will give you exclusive updates.

Can I re-watch the presentations after the event?

The event will be happening live. Thus, there will be no recording at the ruhrSUMMIT - come by and see for yourself!

Event                                                                                                                                                 Ticket