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Female entrepreneurship, empowerment and community

We would like to introduce you to Herhood Town. Under the umbrella term Female Entrepreneurship, the Herhood Town offers you high-quality keynotes and inspiring open sessions with practical perspectives from women in business, science and the start-up scene. The Town offers female founders and women in leadership positions a platform to talk about their challenges and solutions, space to network and a stage for more visibility. Get involved and be part of the Herhood Town!
     Interested in being part of this Town? 

Outstanding #FemaleStartups will be put in the spotlight again this year - with the #HERHOODCrown.
Together with BRYCK.COM, HERHOOD is organising a contest this year in which five female startups will pitch for the HERHOOD crown.
Apply with a meaningful read deck at

Learn more about the Her Hood project: