ruhrSUMMIT Stage
Be inspired
The ruhrSUMMIT Stage will present fascinating technologies and innovative ideas in three thematic blocks, with inspiring keynote speeches and panel discussions by top-class speakers. The proximity to the stage allows you to interact directly with the speakers and encourages dialogue about pioneering visions.
On this stage, start-ups have the chance to convince a jury of experts of their business at the ruhrSUMMIT Award and qualify for prize money totalling €10,000. In addition, the ruhrSUMMIT Stage offers easy access to the audience of investors, corporates and other players in the start-up ecosystem, which facilitates matchmaking and further dialogue.
programOn this stage, start-ups have the chance to convince a jury of experts of their business at the ruhrSUMMIT Award and qualify for prize money totalling €10,000. In addition, the ruhrSUMMIT Stage offers easy access to the audience of investors, corporates and other players in the start-up ecosystem, which facilitates matchmaking and further dialogue.
ruhrSUMMIT Stage
10:15 – 10:25
Svenja Tietje
Live English translation available
Live English translation available
10:25 – 10:30
Opening of the Stage
Meike Neitz & Sven Göth
Live English translation available
10:30 – 11:05
Keynote Learning from the Future
Prof. Dr. Thomas Druyen
Gründer und Direktor des Institutes für Zukunftspsychologie an der Sigmund Freud PrivatUniversität in Wien und Präsident der opta data ZukunftsStiftung.
Live English translation available
Live English translation available
11:05 – 11:50
Podcast Panel Social Impact: Between Theory and Practice
Sven Göth
Prof. Dr. David Matusiewicz (FOM, Gründer von 10XD), Harald Neidhardt (CEO von Futur/io), Christiane Underberg (Semper idem Underberg GmbH) und Dirk Sander (Anthropia gGmbH)
Live English translation available
Live English translation available
11:50 – 12:30
ruhrSUMMIT Award Pitches
1) assemblean
2) Geevoo
3)Witty Works
Moderated by Meike Neitz
Live English translation available
13:15 – 13:45
Keynote Digital DNA - Trends, Herausforderungen und Chancen der Digitalwirtschaft 2024
Benjamin Zaczek
Gründer und CEO von SalesViewer®
Live English translation available
Live English translation available
13:45 – 14:35
Podcast Panel AI and Robotics at Work: Between Theory and Practice
Sven Göth
Holger Volland (Brand eins), Dr. Armin Wedler (DLR) und Dr. Frederike Fritsche (Otto)
Live English translation available
Live English translation available
14:35 – 15:10
ruhrSUMMIT Award Pitches
1) Scavenger AI
2) 12minutes
3) Get Vision
Moderated by Meike Neitz
Live English translation available
15:50 – 16:30
ruhrSUMMIT Award Pitches
1) DigitalValley
2) RollingWood
3) Lucoyo Health GmbH
Moderated by Meike Neitz
Live English translation available
17:00 – 17:45
Podcast Panel The German Start-up Ecosystem: Between Potential and Reality
Sven Göth
Dr. Roland Kirchof (BAND), Johannes Velling (MWIKE), Christoph Büth (NRW Bank) und Sophia Neisinger Live English translation available
17:45 – 18:00
ruhrSUMMIT Award Ceremony
Live English translation available
Closing of the ruhrSUMMIT Stage
Live English translation available
After Event Party
DJ Phil Fuldner
Food, Drinks & Beats for free, supported by Wirtschaftsentwicklung Bochum